Cincy Senior Stories
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Online Submission Form
These questions should ideally be answered by your Cincy Senior to help share their story, but if Alzheimer’s has limited the ability to do this, please feel free to answer with their story and voice in mind. Not all questions are required. Write as much or as little as you like and we may edit for length but will not alter content.
Hear Their Voices

Diane R
What was the happiest moment of your life? When I got married to my husband. Jerry & I started out as friends within a co-ed softball league and discovered pretty quickly that we had a lot of similar interests. He really was my best friend for my entire life. Who...

Mike M
What was the happiest moment of your life? One of the happiest days of our lives was when we brought our 1 lb. daughter home from the hospital. Amy had preeclampsia requiring an emergency C-section. Born in 1983, Kelly was a Preemie and struggled for a little while....