Cincy Senior Stories
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These questions should ideally be answered by your Cincy Senior to help share their story, but if Alzheimer’s has limited the ability to do this, please feel free to answer with their story and voice in mind. Not all questions are required. Write as much or as little as you like and we may edit for length but will not alter content.
Hear Their Voices

Daphne R
I guess maybe when I had my first child. It was really representative of a very big change in my life but I’ve had so many. Graduating from high school, graduating from college, getting my first job. I guess I should include getting married too.

Dale H
Hope it hasn’t happened yet. However, I have lived a happy and charmed life; When I married the most beautiful girl I could ever imagine; When I passed my State board exams to become an Architect; when I was on 2 national NCAA basketball championship teams for University of Cincinnati (1961,62); The births of my 3 wonderful children and 6 wonderful grandchildren;
And lastly I am in good health at 79 years old.