Norm L

Norm L

Norm L What was the happiest moment of your life?   Moving to Cincinnati to be closer to the REDS! Who has been most influential in your life? My brother Jack What advice or quote did you always try to live by? When life is crazy——This to shall pass. And it does!!...
Joyce C

Joyce C

Joyce C What was the happiest moment of your life?   Being a witness to the opportunities my granddaughters have access to. My eldest granddaughter is a pioneer in the bio-physics department at UC San Diego, another is studying medical technologies, one is focused on...
Erie A

Erie A

Erie A What was the happiest moment of your life? When my kids planned a surprise party for my 90th birthday. Two of my children are local, but my son and his family are in Jacksonville, FL. My entire KY/OH – even my FL family traveled up – came together...
Rosemary L

Rosemary L

Rosemary L What was the happiest moment of your life?  “That is easy.” When I got married. I was married in 1955 to Larry. We met when I was in nursing school. We originally started playing Scrabble at the mess hall where we were both studying. We play Scrabble...